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2 | I think that sometimes you just pick stuff up out of curiosity

At maybe 3 AM David wakes up because someone is knocking on his door. Sarah is knocking on his door. When he opens the door she comes in and picks up David Guest's biography.

“Do you think David Guest is yummy David?”

“I don’t know”

“Why don’t you know?”

“Sometimes he lies and sometimes he tells the truth and I don’t know which is which so I get confused and feel ambivalent towards him”

“But do you think he’s yummy?”

“I don’t know”

“Do you?”


“So you aren’t sure?”


David and Sarah sleep together in David’s bed. It is a bunk bed but the top bunk is only porn with teddy bears sitting over the porn so that when Sarah comes round they don’t have to talk about the porn because she can't see it.